Pictures From West High School's Memory Lane Archive

If you have any memory lane pictures you would like to share with other classmates, you can send them to me at and I will post them on the web site.

Here are some penny post cards from West High dating back to 1909
Post cards donated by John Jenkins

This one from 1910

Another one from 1910 Notice the changes over the years

Another one from 1910

Another one from 1910

Postmarked 1911

Postmarked 1919

Postmarked 1923

Postmarked 1923

This last one is Madison Junior High School 1923


Proudly waves old West High's emblem
Black and orange fair;
Flows trumphant in the breezes,
No dishonor there.
Student Days have fondest memories,
Comrades, here we stand,
As our troth to Alma Mater
Pledge we hand in hand.

From thy halls, dear Alma Mater,
We at length must part;
But they memories shall not perish
From one student's heart.
Far away on life's broad highway,
All must fortune try;
Still our loving hearts shall cherish
Thoughts of thee, West High!

Reunions of the past where, 1972=10 years, 1982=20 years, 1987=25 years, 2003=41 years and 2012 will be 50 years. Here are responses from the 2003 questionaires.

West High 1912 year book cover

Can you believe these figures?

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